How does Auricular Acupuncture work?

Auricular acupuncture is a form of acupressure that leverages the concept of the ear as a microsystem of the body. Just as acupuncture can treat various conditions on the body, auricular acupuncture can address similar issues by targeting specific points on the ear. I often use auricular acupuncture adjunct to my other acupuncture treatments. This can be either by using intradermal needles or ear seeds. Also known as acuseeds, ear seeds have been used by Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners for years as an effective way to extend the benefits of acupuncture treatments.

Traditionally, these seeds were made from Vaccaria plants. Ear seeds are tiny seeds attached to adhesive tape and these can be left in place for several days. Celebrities like Penelope Cruz, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Gwyneth Paltrow are all known to be fans of this technique.

What happens during an Auricular Acupuncture Treatment

The procedure of auricular acupuncture involves placing intradermal needles or small seeds, typically made of materials like Vaccaria seeds or metal beads, onto specific pressure points on the outer ear. The ear area is first cleaned and then the appropriate acupressure points are selected based on the individual's needs, such as stress relief, pain management, or digestive support. Using tweezers, the intradermal needles or ear seeds are gently pressed onto these points and secured with small adhesive patches. The seeds remain in place for several days, during which the wearer can occasionally massage them to stimulate the pressure points and enhance the therapeutic effects. The process is entirely non-invasive, painless, and can be easily incorporated into a daily wellness routine. I often use ear seeds to treat someone who is needle phobic.

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